Huemen Rebranding
Role: Art Director / Graphic Designer
Huemen is a global, multi-disciplinary creative agency that specializes in UI/UX, Industrial Design, Future Experience, and Brand Communication. The inagural Huemen branding was developed by the Industrial Design team, and although it was very clean, the newly formed Brand Communication division found the opportunity to refresh the visual aesthetic of the agency.
The Approach
Our approach to this rebranding effort was one that was done in unison with a few of our cross-functional partners. We developed an agency audit outlining the creative, taglines and tone / voice. This helped us visualize the current landscape, and gives us a benchmark on how we can innovate / stand apart as an agency. From there, we utilized WGSN to reference the trend analysis on color from both a micro / macro perspective which aided in our color selection. From there, we did a deep exploration of typefaces by perusing a few of the top type foundries. From there, we gave the current agency capabilities deck a visual facelift. From there, we built out the presentation decks and all of the customer-facing materials.
The Result
The result was a fresh, robust visual direction with vibrant pops of color, intriguing visuals and easy to read type structures. A lot of the large creative agencies we referenced felt that monochromatic color palettes were the route to go, but we felt differently. We went against-the-grain, and never looked back. We received copious amounts of praise from the CMO of Harman, Ralph Santana.